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Santan Generating Station reports and action plans

Find information and documents related to the Santan Generating Station, action plans and the Santan Neighborhood Committee.

Compliance and air quality reports

Did you know that SRP’s Santan Generating Station (SGS) is actually improving air quality in the metropolitan Phoenix airshed?

Using state-of-the-art technology, SGS was designed to meet stringent emissions standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)Open new site. and Maricopa CountyOpen new site.. SRP also built an ambient air quality station about two miles away from the Santan site in Gilbert so that the area's air quality can be monitored and reported on.

Download the reports below to see how we’re complying with standards that protect air quality, public health and the environment.

Santan Generating Station report

Below are links to copies of the compliance reports that SRP filed with the Arizona Corporation Commission about the status of the Santan Expansion Project. In them, you’ll find details about how we’re meeting set standards.

Click to download any report:


ComplianceDocument is a PDF

Gilbert ambient air quality station data

SRP collects data to see how the area's air quality is affected by cars, construction, dust, smoke, unpaved roads and other activities. Report data is provided for each pollutant in relation to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA’s) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) measurementsOpen new site..

Click to download any of the following Gilbert Air Quality Reports:

Air quality – permits, research and background

The Maricopa County Environmental Services Department issued a renewed air quality permit for the Santan Expansion Project on Dec. 23, 2010.

You can get a copy of the permit by contacting the Maricopa County Environmental Services Department, Air Quality Division, at (602) 506-6010(602) 506-6010.

The EPA and Maricopa County Environmental Services Department mandate that no new major emission sources can be added to the metropolitan Phoenix airshed unless existing emissions are reduced — no exceptions.

In addition to meeting stringent emissions standards set forth by the EPA and Maricopa County, SRP obtained offsets from other sources that exceeded total new plant emissions by 10% to 50% (the actual amount varies by combustion byproduct and the distance of the offsets from the facility). We also made on-site improvements that ensured changes in emissions were insignificant.

We use data from the ambient air quality station in Gilbert to monitor the area's air quality and further observe the impact of the Santan station.

Monitoring the air quality at Santan and in Gilbert

SRP has installed continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS) on all Santan units for monitoring unit emissions. Hourly data from the Santan CEMS are used to calculate 12-month rolling total emissionsDocument is a PDF.

Air quality and natural gas generating facilities

It may sound like a contradiction to say that adding a new generating facility will reduce emissions, but Santan Generating Station continues to meet all government air quality standards to protect public health. It also does not have any visible emissions or odors from the stacks and has sound reduction technology to manage the noise.

The expanded generating facility incorporates state-of-the-art technology and clean-burning natural gas to meet air quality standards that protect public health and the environment.

The role of Santan Neighborhood Committee

In cooperation with the Arizona Corporation Commission and various agencies, SRP coordinated the development of the Santan Neighborhood Committee (SNC) in compliance with Condition #19 of the Certificate of Environmental Compatibility.

The SNC comprises representatives from five of the homeowners associations in the area (Cottonwood Crossing, Finley Farms South, Rancho Cimarron, Silverstone Ranch and Western Skies), the Maricopa County Air Quality Division, Arizona Department of Health Services, the Town of Gilbert, and a registered engineer who is not affiliated with SRP.

The purpose of the SNC is to review data that SRP is required to report to state and federal environmental agencies. This data consists of air and water quality as well as noise compliance.

SNC meetings are held twice a year. For more information, call SRP Public Involvement at (602) 236-2872(602) 236-2872.

Emergency response/contingency plan

The Santan Generating Station has a Facility Emergency Response Plan in place to eliminate and/or minimize hazards to human health and the environment in emergency situations.

This plan details the actions to be taken in the event of a medical emergency, hazardous material release, fire or an explosion.

View the Santan Emergency Response PlanDocument is a PDF.