"Contact" customer newsletter
Read the February 2025 customer newsletter.
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2025 SRP Water Conservation Expo™
You’re invited to the 2025 SRP Water Conservation Expo™, bringing together our community to raise water awareness in the Valley and discover ways to conserve at home. As one of the largest suppliers of water to the Valley, SRP hosts the expo to provide customers with an opportunity to learn about water conservation from the experts:
- Receive major discounts on smart irrigation controllers, Rain Bird spray heads and nozzles.
- Shop at the mini plant sale hosted by the Desert Botanical Garden.
- Enjoy local food, drink and other vendors at the community market.
- Learn about water conservation products and rebate programs to conserve water
- Attend free smart irrigation controller and water-related classes.
WHEN: Saturday, March 1, 8 a.m. to noon
WHERE: PERA, 1 E. Continental Drive, Tempe, AZ 85281
Visit srp.net/expo to register today!
5 tips for spring planting
- Choose low-water-use varieties and keep mature plant size in mind. Cooler months give plants time to get established before summer.
- Dig a hole that is three to five times wider but no deeper than the plant’s root ball.
- Remove the plant from the container by tapping the sides and bottom and gently sliding out the root ball.
- Place the plant in the hole so that the top of the root ball is even with or just a bit above the soil surface. Fill the hole in with soil, pressing firmly around the root ball to minimize settling.
- Up to 70% of home water use occurs outdoors*. Install an EPA WaterSense®-labeled smart irrigation controller to save at least 20% more than a traditional controller**. Bonus: Attend the SRP Water Conservation Expo for a discount on a smart irrigation controller (see article above).
Visit srp.net/conservation for more water-saving ideas.
*Source: wateruseitwisely.com
**Source: epa.gov
Calling all teachers
You can receive an SRP classroom grant of up to $5,000! Learning grants allow schools, teachers and students to develop projects and programs geared toward state-mandated competencies. Up to $5,000 is awarded per school, and funds can be used to support innovative teaching strategies that improve objectives in math and science.
Applications are due by Feb. 28. Visit srp.net/grants to learn more and apply.
Get an SRP Home Energy Assessment
We offer virtual and in-home assessments for your convenience, and they are 100% free in most cases.*
Choose in-home or virtual
An SRP Energy Ambassador will discuss how you and your family use energy. They’ll review your price plan, appliances, lighting, and heating and cooling system to find where energy- and money-saving improvements can be made.
Start saving immediately
You’ll receive up to $250 worth of energy- and water-saving products, including a smart thermostat, based on your Energy Ambassador’s recommendations, absolutely free. You’ll also receive a personalized report with recommendations for DIY improvements and access to program-exclusive appliance rebates** and other SRP rebate programs for which you may qualify.
Visit srp.net/HEA or call (602) 236-3065 to learn more.
*All virtual assessments are free. In-home assessments are free for income-qualified customers or $49 if not eligible for the free assessment.
**Customers have six months to apply for a program-exclusive rebate after the SRP Home Energy Assessment is complete.
Did you know?
SRP is in the midst of a price process
SRP management is proposing an overall average increase of 2.4% to annual revenues as a result of changes that would first apply in the customers’ November 2025 billing cycle. The price proposal reflects, among other things, an increase in base prices to address expenses related to replacing aging infrastructure, adapting to an evolving power grid and enhancing customer programs and services, while maintaining reliability and safety.
The complete proposal, dates, time and locations of meetings during the month of February, and certain pertinent materials, are available for viewing at srp.net/srpprices. If you have questions, submit written questions to SRP management by 5 p.m. Feb. 21. Management will answer each reasonable question posed by any interested person.
Quarterly M-Power Contact newsletter
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