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Help with your SRP irrigation

From ordering water to resolving disputes with neighbors, find all the information you need to successfully manage your neighborhood irrigation system. 

2024 Flood Irrigation Webinar

Understand roles and responsibilities

See the roles and responsibilities you, your neighbors and SRP play in your neighborhood irrigation system.

Irrigation customers SRP

As irrigation customers, it’s your responsibility to install, operate and maintain your neighborhood irrigation system, starting from the SRP delivery gate to your respective property.

Need help with maintenance or repairs? Call us to request a list of irrigation repair contractors you can contact for help.

You are also responsible for ordering only as much water as you need and containing it all on your property.

Finally, it’s your responsibility to know and follow your neighborhood’s water delivery schedule. You can find your irrigation schedule in SRP My Account™.

SRP brings irrigation water to the SRP delivery gate.

On delivery day, an SRP Zanjero will open the SRP delivery gate to release water into your neighborhood.

From there, it’s carried to your property through a series of ditches, channels or pipelines that are owned, operated and maintained by you and your neighbors.

If you need us, we’re here to help. Call the SRP Water Contact Center anytime at (602) 236-3333(602) 236-3333.

Become an expert with a Field Services Liaison

LearnDocument is a PDF about the history of the SRP canal system.

Your private system is an asset, and our Field Services Liaisons are here to help you become an irrigation expert. Liaisons have extensive knowledge of irrigation and are available to meet with you in person.

A Field Services Liaison can:

  • Help you determine the right amount of water to order
  • Teach you how to order water
  • Teach you how to operate the neighborhood system
  • Recommend a routine maintenance cycle for the neighborhood system
  • Coordinate a dry-up
  • Help identify system issues and offer solutions for improvements or repairs

Ready to work with a Field Services Liaison? Give us a call at (602) 236-3333(602) 236-3333 to schedule an appointment.

SRP legal disclaimer

Fair and efficient distribution and use of water beyond the main structure from which SRP releases the water for end use is the responsibility of water users. SRP has no authority to intervene in disputes among customers, irrigators and property owners over access to water or private water delivery facilities.

Order water with the SRP Irrigation app

How to order and receive your water

You can order water online or sign up for the Recurring Order Program on the SRP Water app™. You can also order over the phone by calling the SRP Water Contact Center at (602) 236-3333(602) 236-3333.

Water can be ordered in five-minute increments up to your maximum allocation, which is determined by your property's acreage and water rights.

Wondering how much to order? The length of time most frequently ordered in the past is a good place to start.

How to prepare for delivery

Follow these steps to ensure a smooth water delivery day.

  1. About 30 minutes before your water is scheduled to arrive, look around your neighborhood and check all irrigation structures to make sure the gates are set properly and are ready for water.
  2. Check in with your neighbor who is running ahead of you to make sure everything is on schedule.
  3. At your scheduled time, open your yard valve or port cover in your ditch.
  4. When your time is almost up, let your neighbor who is next in line know.
  5. At the end of your scheduled time, make sure to close your valve or replace the port cover in your ditch.

How to report a water theft

What can look like a willful water theft could be an unintentional leak caused by a broken yard valve or pipe.

Here are some steps you can take – and some you shouldn’t take – to get to the bottom of things:

  • Talk it out. Work with your neighbors and try talking to the person taking water. Discuss ways you can collaborate to repair the valve or line break, if there is one.
  • Involve a key homeowner. A key homeowner is a volunteer for the neighborhood or group of irrigators. These volunteers are a great source of information about the neighborhood system. If your neighborhood has a key homeowner, reach out to them for support.
  • Never enter private property. Under no circumstances should you enter someone’s private property to address the water leak or theft issue yourself. You must have the owner’s permission to enter their property.
  • Call us for help. If talking with your neighbor is unsuccessful, call the SRP Water Contact Center at (602) 236-3333(602) 236-3333. One of our reps may be able to help by contacting the neighbor.
work with your neighbors

Working with your neighbors

A successful irrigation system requires neighbors to work together, not just on water delivery days but throughout the year to maintain your neighborhood irrigation system.

You and your neighbors are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of your system, including ditches, pipelines and gates. Neighbors should work together to make any repairs.

As a neighborhood, you may consider forming an Irrigation Water Delivery District (IWDD) to run and maintain your private system.

Help a neighbor receive water 

If you would like to help a neighbor receive water by managing their account, you’ll need to sign our Authorization and Liability Release FormDocument is a PDF.

Read the latest newsletter

Download the latest irrigation newsletters to stay informed of water-related news.

For residential customers

For agricultural and urban customers

Frequently asked questions

Find answers to some of the most common questions about irrigation.

During the summer (April–September), SRP schedules water deliveries to neighborhoods about every 14 days. In the winter (October–March), it’s every 28 days, except during the annual canal maintenance period when no deliveries are scheduled. Water is delivered 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays.

SRP offers a list of important dates for every irrigating neighborhood. The list includes delivery days, the deadline to place your water order and the date when the irrigation schedule will be available.

Call (602) 236-3333(602) 236-3333 or visit SRP My Account to learn when water will be delivered to your neighborhood and the deadline for placing an order.

It’s important to cancel or change water orders before the deadline. Late changes or cancellations can cause flooding. To cancel or change an order, call (602) 236-3333(602) 236-3333 or visit SRP My Account.

Call us at (602) 236-3333(602) 236-3333. We may be able to accept a last-minute order over the phone if the watering schedule has not been finalized.

If you get water before your scheduled time, talk to the next scheduled neighbor to see if they can accept a little more water. If the water is more than they need, call us at (602) 236-3333(602) 236-3333. We’ll send a Zanjero to turn off the water at the SRP gate. It may take several minutes for them to arrive and close the gate.

Please check your neighborhood system to ensure everything is set properly to receive water before calling SRP.

If your neighborhood system and structures are set correctly and you don't find any leaks, call us at (602) 236-3333(602) 236-3333. We can check to see if any problems have been reported in your neighborhood or we’ll send a Zanjero to measure the amount of water being delivered.

Call (602) 236-3333(602) 236-3333 or visit SRP My Account to learn who should be taking water. If you can't reach that person, call SRP back right away.