Elections FAQ
Find answers to the most asked questions about SRP's elections.
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The officials of each organization are elected on the first Tuesday in April of even-numbered years.
To vote in either the Association or District election, a voter must own eligible land (or have been appointed to vote eligible land held in a qualifying trust) within the respective boundaries of the District and/or the Association. Voting boundaries are roughly shown in the voting map. There are differences in the Association and District voting boundaries. Telephone the SRP Elections Information Line at (602) 236-3048(602) 236-3048 if you are in doubt as to whether your property qualifies you to vote in SRP elections.
Additionally for the Association and the District:
- Ownership of land is determined as of 100 days prior to an election.
- A voter must be at least 18 years of age.
For the District only: A District voter must also reside, and be registered to vote, in the State of Arizona.
Eligible lands that are held in a trust may be voted in SRP elections if the following conditions are met:
- The trust must have been formed primarily in furtherance of a person’s estate planning and to accomplish a testamentary or inter vivos disposition of assets to the person’s family members or to a charitable organization; and
- The person desiring to vote on behalf of the trust (Trust Voter) must have been appointed by the trustee(s) to vote in the SRP elections on behalf of the trust and be either:
- the person for whose estate planning the trust was formed, or
- a beneficiary of the trust and related, by consanguinity or affinity to no more than the fourth degree, to the person for whose estate planning the trust was formed.
If the Trust Voter is not an authorized trustee of the trust, the Trust Voter will be required to submit to the Corporate Secretary’s Office an Appointment of Trust Voter form, signed by the trustee(s), appointing the Trust Voter to vote on behalf of the trust.
No, the SRP Corporate Secretary maintains a record of ownership of real property within the District and Association boundaries as such ownership appears on the records of the Maricopa County Recorder, and the number of votes or fractional votes the owner may be entitled to vote. However, District voters must be registered to vote in the State of Arizona.
An early ballot may be requested beginning 93 days before any election by calling the SRP Election Information Line (602) 236-3048, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., or by visiting the website. In addition, an early ballot may be requested in person from the SRP Corporate Secretary's Office located at 1500 N. Mill Avenue in Tempe, Arizona, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The last day to request an early mail ballot is 11 days prior to an election.
Early ballots may be returned by mail in the stamped, self-addressed envelope provided, or in person at the SRP Voting Center located at 1500 N. Mill Avenue in Tempe, Arizona, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., or from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Election Day. In addition, on Election Day only, early ballots may be dropped off at either of the following two off-site ballot drop-off locations: the SRP West Valley Service Center at 221 N. 79th Avenue, Tolleson, Arizona, 85353, and the SRP Southside Water Service Center at 3160 S. Alma School Road, Mesa, Arizona, 85210. Early ballots must be received no later than 7:00 p.m. on Election Day.
An eligible voter may vote in person at the SRP Early Voting Center located at 1500 N. Mill Avenue in Tempe, Arizona, 85288. The Early Voting Center will be open beginning 27 days prior to Election Day, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The SRP Voting Center, located at 1500 N. Mill Avenue in Tempe, Arizona, 85288, will be open from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Election Day. In addition, early mail ballots not returned sooner may be dropped off at the SRP Voting Center, or either of the two off-site ballot drop-off-only locations that are open on Election Day only, from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. The two off-site drop-off sites are located at the SRP West Valley Service Center at 221 N. 79th Avenue, Tolleson, Arizona, 85353, and the SRP Southside Water Service Center at 3160 S. Alma School Road, Mesa, Arizona, 85210.
SRP is divided into 10 voting areas within the District and Association boundaries.
Under SRP's acreage-based voting system, multiple owners of a parcel split their votes according to how title to the property is held. For example, if property is held in joint tenancy between two individuals, each person is entitled to 50% of the votes associated with that parcel. The only exception is for elections of the District’s at-large board members who are elected on the basis of one-landowner, one-vote, in which case each owner of the parcel is entitled to cast one vote. Voting for all other positions is based on acres or fractional acres owned.
Only one person may cast a vote for a trust. If there is more than one trustee of a trust, the trustees must agree among themselves as to the person who will be authorized to vote for the trust.
Before a District voter can receive a ballot at the Voting Center, he/she will be required to show proof of identity.
- President, who also serves as an ex officio member of the Board of Governors
- Vice President
- 10 Board Members; one from each of the 10 voting areas
- 30 Council Members; three from each of the 10 voting areas
- President, who also serves as an ex officio member of the Board of Directors
- Vice President
- 14 Board Members; one from each of the 10 voting areas, plus four at-large directors
- 30 Council Members; three from each of the 10 voting areas
The term of office for all positions is four years. Members of the boards and councils are elected to four-year staggered terms, with half of the board and council seats being up for election every two years. The president and vice president run for election with the even-numbered seats. Terms of office begin on the first Monday in May of each even-numbered year.
President and Vice President
The president of each organization is the chief officer and has general supervision over all other officers of the organization in the performance of their duties and the conduct and business affairs of the organization. The president also presides at all meetings of the respective board and is an ex officio member of that board. The vice president fulfills the duties and responsibilities of the president during the president's absence. Together, they serve as the day-to-day representatives of the boards in the management of SRP.
The boards establish specific policy and, through management, operate the respective organizations. The Association operates in accordance with the provisions of its Articles of Incorporation and By-laws, and the District operates in accordance with the provisions of its governing Arizona statutes and its By-Laws. Both operate in accordance with Federal Reclamation Law and other applicable laws. For example, the District board sets power prices, approves fuel contracts and authorizes the purchase of major equipment. Both boards approve water rates.
Whereas the boards set specific policy regarding the management of SRP, the councils enact and adopt by-laws and provide for the enforcement thereof for the government of each organization, the management of its business and the conduct of its affairs, and fill vacancies that occur on the boards and councils and set board and council compensation. In addition, the District Council approves revenue bonds issued by the District.
All elected officials, with the exception of the four District at-large directors, are elected on an acreage basis (one acre, one vote). Thus, a voter owning two acres may cast two votes. A voter owning .25 acres may cast .25 votes.
The four District at-large directors (seats 11 through 14) are elected on the basis of one landowner, one vote.
The candidates for each position are determined 60 days prior to Election Day. Shortly after that date, the names of the candidates will be posted on the website.
If there are any ballot propositions for consideration by the Association shareholders to amend the Association’s Articles of Incorporation, they will be posted on the website by mid-November of the year preceding an election.
Following Election Day, the unofficial results of the District and Association elections will be available by calling the SRP Election Information Line at (602) 236-3048(602) 236-3048, or by visiting the website. Results from the elections will become official after a canvass by the SRP boards at their meetings on the Monday following the elections.
For questions or information regarding the SRP elections process, contact the SRP Election Information Line at (602) 236-3048(602) 236-3048 or election@srpnet.com.