Palo Verde to Pinal West 500 kV transmission project
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UPDATE: Project Extension Request Granted
On April 11, 2023, the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) approved SRP’s request for a 10-year extension to construct the second Palo Verde to Pinal West Transmission Line to May 24, 2034. All documents filed with the ACC related to this project are available on the ACC eDocket website.
About the project
On May 24, 2004, SRP was granted a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility (CEC) by the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) to construct two parallel single-circuit 500-kilovolt (kV) transmission lines from the Hassayampa Switchyard to the Pinal West Substation to provide power to central Arizona. This project is owned by several entities: SRP, Electrical District 2 (ED2), Electrical District 3 (ED3), Electrical District 4 (ED4), Southwest Transmission Cooperative and Tucson Electric District (TEP).
At the time the original CEC was obtained, significant generation growth was anticipated in the Palo Verde hub area such that the second transmission line would be needed within 20 years. While the second transmission line, which will parallel the first transmission line (energized in 2008), was scheduled to be constructed by May 2024, SRP will be filing a request for a 10-year extension with the ACC to delay construction for the approved and permitted transmission line.
SRP anticipates the need for the second line within 10 years to support a forecasted increase in industrial, commercial and residential load and an increased demand for transmission capacity for generation and storage resources in central Arizona.
Public process
The robust outreach process during the siting process that led to the 2004 CEC helped SRP develop routing alternatives and ultimately identify the certificated route. Outreach efforts included stakeholder and jurisdictional briefings, meetings with several community working groups, and project information and public meeting announcements shared through newsletters, local publications, postcards and flyers. Due to the large geographic study area, numerous open houses were held in multiple phases.
Project map

Transmission line structure types

CEC filing
All documents filed with the ACC related to this project are available on the ACC eDocket website.
Contact us
For questions, please call Samantha Horgen at (602) 236-2872 or email 2872line@srpnet.com.