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More options for solar customers

Residential customers who produce some of their own energy with rooftop solar or other distributed generation technologies will have new pricing options to choose from.

On this page:

    New: Customer Generation Time-of-Use Export Price Plan

    • No demand charge.
    • Monthly service charge equal to that of the Customer Generation Price Plan.
    • On- and off-peak hours and per-kWh charge (for energy supplied by SRP) equal to the SRP Time-of-Use Price Plan. Maximize savings by shifting energy usage to lower-priced off-peak hours.
    • SRP provides a credit for excess generation delivered back to the electric grid.

    New: Customer Generation Electric Vehicle Export Price Plan

    • No demand charge.
    • Monthly service charge equal to that of the Customer Generation Price Plan.
    • On-peak, off-peak and super off-peak hours and per-kWh charge (for energy supplied by SRP) equal to the SRP Electric Vehicle (EV) Price Plan. Maximize savings by charging your EV during super off-peak hours.
    • SRP provides a credit for excess generation delivered back to the electric grid.

    How does the credit work on these two proposed plans?

    Metering technology now allows the separate tracking of kWh delivered and kWh exported on an instantaneous basis.

    This is different from net metering, in which the excess kWh is subtracted from the delivered kWh to arrive at a net kWh number.

    New: Customer Generation Average Demand Price Plan

    • Demand charge calculated based on the average of the daily on-peak maximum demands. This is different than under the standard Customer Generation Price Plan (E-27) where the demand charge is based on the maximum monthly on-peak – the 30-minute interval during on-peak hours when the customer’s home uses the maximum amount of electricity for the month.
    • Monthly service charge equal to that of the Customer Generation Price Plan.
    • On- and off-peak hours, and per kWh charge equal to Customer Generation Price Plan, which has some of the lowest kWh charges of any residential price plan.
    • Uses net metering, identical to the Customer Generation Price Plan.

    Customer Generation Price Plan

    The Customer Generation Price Plan will continue to have a demand charge, as well as some of the lowest per-kWh energy prices of any SRP residential price plan.

    More lower-priced off-peak hours

    For all of the above price plan options, SRP will reduce the number of higher-priced on-peak hours during the May through October billing months.

    • Current hours: On-peak hours are weekdays from 1–8 p.m. May through October.
    • Proposed hours: On-peak hours will be weekdays from 2–8 p.m. May through October.

    All other times, including weekends and six observed holidays, will remain lower-priced off-peak hours. There are no changes to winter hours (weekdays from 5–9 a.m. and 5–9 p.m. between November and April).